Funding & Financing Solutions. SWP&E can support you by evaluating and implementing the right funding source for your water program or project. Experience ranges from writing and managing grant-funded projects to developing permanent funding streams through stormwater utilities.
The Key Services Offered By SWP&E Are Outlined Below
Regulatory Compliance & Permitting. SWP&E offers strong relationships with Georgia regulators and has first-hand knowledge of requirements in the Metro Water District plans and Regional Water Plans. We can assist with local, state, and federal permitting compliance from the initial phases of submitting a Notice of Intent through securing the permit. SWP&E is also available to support implementation of permit requirements and assist with annual reporting or auditing requirements.
Integrated Water Management. Water, wastewater, and stormwater systems are most sustainably managed in an integrated fashion. Water is a finite resource and we welcome the opportunity to work with communities to extend existing water supplies and plan for future needs. We can help develop municipal leak detection programs and support development and implementation of cost-effective water conservation programs. Our focus is to protect Georgia’s water resources for future generations to use and enjoy.
Staff Augmentation and Training. If you have a temporary or short-term staffing need, SWP&E can help. We offer short-term and/or part-time support to governments in an engineering or planning capacity. Services include implementation of ongoing compliance programs such as illicit discharge inspections or commercial water audits, municipal plan review, or staff training.
With the expansion of the urban areas under the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit, many communities are now facing new stormwater regulations. SWP&E will work to understand your current operations and create a program that minimizes additional (and unplanned) expenditures. We will consider long-term compliance and reporting requirements as we develop the stormwater program to ensure it is sustainable for your community.