Georgia EPA Drought Management Rules

On June 24, 2015, the DNR Board adopted Drought Management Rules that replaced former rule provisions relating to outdoor water use as well as the 2003 Drought Management Plan. The Drought Management Rules, Chapter 391-3-30, require specific drought response strategies during specified levels of declared drought that may limit or restrict some of the outdoor water uses

2019 Georgia Infrastructure Report Card

Infrastructure impacts so many aspects of the lives of Georgia’s citizens, every five years Georgia evaluates key aspects of our state’s infrastructure. Citizens of Georgia benefit from an objective review undertaken by dozens of experts in their respective fields. The 2019 Georgia Infrastructure Report Card represents the fourth evaluation performed and focuses on 14 categories of infrastructure.

In 2019, the overall grade for Georgia’s infrastructure improved for the first time ever, rising to a cumulative grade of C+. While significant improvements headline this positive story, many challenges remain as addressed in our five Key Solutions to Raise the Grade. You can read the report here:

USDA Is Offering New Source Water Protection Opportunities For Utilities

The Source Water Protection Program (SWPP) is a joint project with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the National Rural Water Association (NRWA), a non-profit water and wastewater utility membership organization. The SWPP is designed to help prevent pollution of surface and ground water used as the primary source of drinking water by rural residents.